It was cool.The ending though...wake up?Seriously,no weird cut-scene of him waking up at least?You should make one of waking up abruptly then wiping his eyes and starting to perform again.
It was cool.The ending though...wake up?Seriously,no weird cut-scene of him waking up at least?You should make one of waking up abruptly then wiping his eyes and starting to perform again.
Nothing new
Hard and as the description says,nearly impossible.The music is cool,but you should make it around 50 questions instead of 110.I got lost on 48.
It was beautiful yet I feel the pain of what I call the DreamCrawlers.
Ad mouth
There is an odd thing when the game is loading.If you click on the mouth of the guy it opens and an ad is in it.
Blah blah blah minercraft blah blah blah pokemon blah blah blah electronics blah blah blah xbox blah blah blah halo reach blah blah blah annoying shit blah blah blah repetition blah blah blah call of duty:black ops blah blah blah fast food
Age 44, Male
Go to hell stalker
Areyoutryingtosta lkme?
Joined on 8/21/11